His Girl Friday

  • During class we talked about how the film was extremely fast paced compared to The Gold Rush and other movies in in the time period.. This movie was extremely face paced and you could hear it when the actors spoke. We also discussed how this was not like The Gold Rush because it had sound. Having sound did help to improve the movie.Moreover we discussed how adding a female role player to the movie gave it a more comical scense. Walter Burns was the main charqacter in this movie and he found out that his wife had quit her newspaper job in order to remarry, which shocked Walter.  
  • http://www.carygrant.net/reviews/friday.html.  This article basically allows you to one watch the movie, but it also gives a review on the movie.
  • This article is related to the movie because you can actually rewatch the movie if any of it was missed in class. Many people also have given reviews on the movie which is good because you get to see how others portrayed the movie and get more then one opinion.
  • His Girl Firday is a screwball comedy directed by Howard Hawkes. Walter Burns finds out that his ex-wife is getting remarried and he tries everything in his power to stop her from remarrying and come back and work as a newsreporter for his paper. I actually enjoyed this movie becuase it was in my opinion funny and even though the dialouge was very face paced, I understood what was going on. I think that the face paced dialouge actually added to my liking of the movie because one funny thing would happen after the other.