Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane was a film from 1941.In class we discussed how the main character of the film was also the director and writer for the film as well, known as an auteur. The main character of the film was Charles Kane, a successful newspaper owner. Throughout the film, reporters were continually trying to pursue the answer to one question.What was meant by Kane when he uttered the word "rosebud".
This article is entitled Just What's so Great About Citizen Kane. Basically the article gives a small summary on the movie and gives one authors opinion of the film.

This is directly related to the film because one it gives you the view of a professional movie critic. Another reason this article is related to the film is because it speaks directly about it. If you never watched the film and wanted to gain a little background information this would be the perfect way. Moreover, if you did watch the film but did not come to a complete understanding, this article helps in understanding the film more in depth.

In my opinion this was a decent film. I like the fact the reporters spent the entire movie trying to decode the meaning of one simple phrase. The media was making a major frantic over what this man meant when he exclaimed rosebud and went through many obstacles to get this simple meaning down.